Take A Look at Disney


Can We Talk about Skinny Disney

You know what Disney characters need to appeal to today's culture.  Sex appeal, yes that's right they needed sex appeal.  Okay maybe that's not right but there is no other way to put it. Earlier,  I was on Yahoo, when I saw this....

Yes, folks that is supposed to be Minnie Mouse.  I repeat that is supposed to be Minnie Mouse.  She wasn't alone. Oh, no Goofy and Daisy also got a makeover.

These things just make me weep.  And what are they are these abominations to these beloved characters for.   Have you ever heard of the department store, Barneys? Well, these creatures of the night are for their holiday campaign.  Oh, yeah, this really feels me with the holiday spirit.   Look I'm not saying using these characters for store campaigns is wrong. It's been done for ages. For a while,  Macy's was selling a Mickey doll.

That's how you do it. Not those.   Oh, and here's something from the article that should explain these creepy designs.

 Barneys collaborated with Disney to take their characters into a realistic fashion world 

No, No, No.  You...


These characters do not and I repeat NOT need to look like this.  I'm saddened by the fact that Disney even agreed to this and these aren't the only ones they have in line folks.  No, they are planning it to other characters such as Mickey,  Tiana,  and Snow White.  WHY?!?!     I agree completely with this article when they say that we don't want to see these Disney characters be sexy. That is just sick and wrong.  Do your hear me,  Sick and Wrong.   Disney, do you not understand why people love these characters. It's because they're timeless and wholesome.   With these inane designs, you are taking that away.  Your stripping these characters of what we. the fans love about them.  This is insulting to your fans on every level. Especially your female fans.   Minnie and Daisy are strong minded women who do not need to be part of the fashion circle to be in . Yes, they like clothes and yes I read about the Paris fashion show that your making to go along with this  anger inducing things.    What kind of message do you think young girls may take away from seeing characters they love look like this?   By agreeing to allow your characters to look like,  your aiding to the belief that girls need to anorexic stick- thin.

This cartoon basically sums up all of my issues with what you did.  These characters never should've looked like this. Tell me what's wrong with the way they've looked for so long.

This is how these characters should look.  Like cartoon characters.   I'm not saying that you can't dress them up but whose hair brained idea was it to make them realistic.   That's CREEPY!

Look on the one hand, I'm happy your making a new Minnie short but really with these things.   No,  please rethink that.  Look I'm fan of you guys and I hate using this but this occasion calls for it.

You made me use the Face Palm.  Really, what were you thinking. If you seriously wanted to use one of your characters for a fashion show that has sex appeal.  Why not, Jessica Rabbit?  That would've made more sense.

See  she was drawn to be put into sexy clothes  but also be a strong woman.   With Minnie and Daisy, it just feels wrong and no way am I referring to those things as Minnie, Daisy or, Goofy.   So instead, Mildred,  Gary,  and  Bella.  (I couldn't think of any good D names)   Mildred probably looks the worst out of the three.   And please don't try  and use artistic vision as an excuse.  That does not work for me.  Look, I'm not against using Disney characters for advertising but these aren't Disney characters.  As I said previously, those are Mildred, Gary and Bella.  These things are up there with Davis in how much  I despise them. Whoever drew these should not be allowed to work at Disney ever again.  Clearly, they don't get why people love these characters and  their looks are iconic.   Messing with their looks should be a No-No.   I never want to see these things again.  What are thoughts on Mildred, Gary and Bella?  Tell me in the comments.


  1. Yeah this pretty much sums it up! Although I do think that some Disney characters can pull off the sex appeal like Esmeralda, Ariel, Jasmine, Belle even and as you stated Jessica Rabbit. Those characters would be more appropriate. Another reason why is because they're from Animated features and are designed to be slightly more realistic!!!!! Why would they choose characters from actual cartoon shorts that aren't supposed to be realistic!!! It makes NO SENSE!!!!!!!! I may think calling Dumbo in Dumbo's Circus Davis is too much, but I agree with you here! These abominations are like the Hulk villain Abomination. Actually I find a good use for Mildred, Gary, and Bella. They should be extras in the next Hulk or Avengers movie and get smashed!!!

    1. Jessica Rabbit was the first character I thought of when I read that article. She should've been an obvious choice. I think having Hulk smash Mildred, Gary and Bella would be perfect.
