Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Things That I'm Excited About From D23 (and The 6 Things I'm Not Excited About)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Over the weekend,  I posted my coverage of the D23 Expo and today, I want to go over the 6 things I'm Excited about and the 6 Things, I'm Not Excited About.  With that out of the way, let's begin.   I'll start with the 6 Things I'm Not Excited About.

6.  Tinkerbell and The Pirate Fairy/Tinkerbell and The Neverbeast

These are on here simply because I don't care about the Tinkerbell films.  I'm not the target demographic.  I've heard they are good but each one, I've tried to watch was boring.   The only thing that I find kinda cool to these is Tom Hiddeston at the announcement sang The Bare Necessities.  Apparently, he's Captain Hook. Y'know, I can buy that.

Okay,  I may watch just to hear him play Hook. Because that actually kinda awesome.

5.   Tomorrowland

I'm just not convinced that this film will work.  To me this just seems like a bad decision.  Disney should know their track record of theme park based films by now.   Most of them aren't successful save for the Pirates franchise.  And they want to take an entire land and base a movie around a land from Disneyland/Magic Kingdom.  I don't see this working.  I hope I"m wrong but I honestly foresee this film failing at the box office.  I'm sorry if anyone is excited for this but I just don't see this working.   And I honestly just think Disney should give up trying to make theme park based films.

4.   Finding Dory

My confidence in this film ha dwindled even more after finding out that Andrew Stanton did NOT want,  NOT want to make this but he had no choice.  Basically, Stanton was forced to make a movie, he didn't want to.   You can read about on this L.A. Times article.   And I think this quote sums up my issue.

"There was polite inquiry from Disney [about a 'Finding Nemo' sequel]," said Stanton, also a vice president at Pixar. "I was always 'No sequels, no sequels.' But I had to get on board from a VP standpoint. [Sequels] are part of the necessity of our staying afloat, but we don't want to have to go there for those reasons. We want to go there creatively, so we said [to Disney], 'Can you give us the timeline about when we release them? Because we'd like to release something we actually want to make, and we might not come up with it the year you want it.'"

So,  Pixar was basically told to make this film!   GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Even with that being the case,  and I can understand somewhat.  Dory, seriously?  I love Dory but trying to build an entire film around Dory is like trying to build an entire film around Mater.  Never mind.    Dory is a good character but her antics cannot sustain an entire film.

3.  Disney's  Maleficent

I don't like Angelina Jolie,  I don't like Maleficent,   I don't like Sleeping Beauty.  I don't like the fact that this film is basically ripping off Wicked.  I refuse to acknowledge this overrated hag as the most iconic Disney villain, when every other Disney villains  is a thousand,  no a million times better developed then her.  Okay, y'know what, I'm being overly harsh here but this just seems like Disney jumping the bandwagon of making films about villains and  expanding on them.  I honestly can't think of anyone who wanted this.

2.  Star Wars: Orange Harvest

This one just mainly comes from the fact that I'm worn out by Star Wars.  I really don't care at this point.  It could be the greatest themed land in an Disney park but I couldn't care less.  I mean on the one hand,  I'm glad that they are using this property, now that they own it but I just don't care.

1. Avatar Land

You want to know want to something funny, I went back & re-read my Can We Talk about from this announced back in '11.  Y'know want to know when this was supposed to open back when it was first announced. 2013,  the same year Avatar II was supposed to come out. Well, neither of those has happened and  I don't see the Avatar sequels ever getting made.  But the big reason I'm excited about this one is because to me it is so blatantly obvious, that Disney is doing this, because they did not get the theme parks rights to Harry Potter.  Granted, this isn't the first time, something like this has happened as they were also denied the theme park rights to Lord of The Rings.   Here's the difference between Potter, LOTR,  and Avatar.  The first two have enough sustainable material to build theme park attractions off of.  What does Avatar have?   One movie, just one movie in a planned  franchise that hasn't seen the other films come out yet.  Look I'm not saying you can't make a land based off on one movie work because  Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios has a Jurassic Park themed area,  yes there are sequels to that movie but the Jurassic Park area, really only seems to borrow from the first film.   Why did it work with Jurassic Park?   Because, the film gave  them a park.  There's also Cars Land, which really only focuses on Radiator Springs but it references that Mater shorts and Cars 2 (sadly) but again,   I feel that film gave them more to work with.  And another reason, this one bugs me.   Disney has been a roll of doing stuff with their own properties and then here comes an entire land based on a film that is not part of Disney.  That just feels weird and  more importantly,  why Animal Kingdom?    Is this supposed to make up for us not getting Beastly Kingdom?  Because if so, I don't want the apology. Personally, as weird as this may sound,  I'd rather see something Avatar related in I don't know, Hollywood Studios.   Honestly,  I'd rather not see it at all.   The only reason, it's being put in Animal Kingdom is because of the environmental message.   If you guys, really wanted to do something with a blockbuster, why an Avengers Land.  I know you can't do it in Florida but you could do it in California.  Look, I may have said that I'm tired of Star Wars and Marvel getting all the attention but those are properties that Disney own and why not use them.

Now, that I've talked about what I'm not excited about.  Let's go over what I am looking forward to.

6.  Inside Out

The concept for this film sounds really cool.  A film that takes place inside the head of an 11 year old girl and the cast are her emotions.  That is a really intriguing idea and that sounds like Pixar would've done back in the day and I'm really hoping that this film gets them out of their slump, that they've been going through as of late.

5.  Toy Story of Terror

This Toy Story Halloween special is something that I think will really good.  At the time of my coverage, I didn't have the plot.  But apparently, it's a Pixar special using the TS crew that'll  pay homage to classic horror films and this time, it looks as though, Jesse will be the lead.  I can behind that.   I like Jesse and unlike Dory, I can see her working as a lead character.  Here's the plot from the Pixar Wiki.

What starts out as a fun road trip for the Toy Story gang takes an unexpected turn for the worse when the trip detours to a roadside motel. After one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate in this Toy Story of Terror.

And plus, this is Pixar's first Halloween special.  That's kinda cool and they got the original cast back to voice the characters again.

4.  Into The Woods

I love musicals and I like fairy tales.  So, this one is a no brainer for me.   I'm happy to see more musicals coming out and seeing a bit of a resurgence.  Because I just love them.   Now,  fans of the classic show have already start complaining in particular about 10 year old YouTube star, named Sophia Grace being cast as Little Red Riding Hood.  Once I do some more research on this, there'll be a Can We Talk about but some of the complaints seem unjust saying that'll she'll ruin the film or people saying, they won't see it, if Red isn't recast.   Wah!    I'm sorry and I may be coming in as a novice to this musical but  I don't believe that one actor should ruin your entire movie going experience.  Granted, I've heard this same complaint with Russell Crowe as Javert (I'm probably the only person on the planet that would defend him in that role).   If you like the movie, cool and give her a chance before declaring that she'll be the thing that ruins the film.  For goodness sake's, she's 10!    I consider her lucky to get to be in a Disney film at that age.

3.   Get A Horse

This was bumped to # 3 because of something else announced but I really am looking forward to seeing this.  A Mickey short that was thought to be lost but has bow been completed and will feature the voices of Walt Disney and Billy Bletcher.   Cool!   It'll be animated in the style of the classic Mickey shorts from early in  Mickey's career.  I can get behind that.  It'll be debuting in front of Frozen, meaning that it'll be seen in theaters.  Cool!  The only thing holding me back from getting too excited is hearing that'll they will be using techniques from Paperman.  I honestly did not like that short.

2.  Saving Mr.  Banks

Okay,   I still dislike the fact that Mickey is in the promotional image, when he has nothing to do with this story.  That aside before this weekend, Saving Mr. Banks was my most anticipated Disney film and I'm still looking forward to it very much.  It is exciting to see that we are getting this kind of film after so long. This is still my most anticipated film of this year.  As I think this is a great story to tell and  I can buy Hanks as Walt, each time I see him on screen.  This will be a very good film in my opinion and one that I cannot wait to see in theaters.

1.  Disney's Cinderella 

I don't know why but I ever since I learned about this project on Saturday,  I've latched onto it.    I think part of the reason, I'm really looking forward to this one is because of how I much I adore the classic Cinderella.  Though from the casting, I've seen, this'll be different enough with Cate Blanchett playing Lady Termaine and Helena Bohema Carter playing Fairy Godmother.   I at first thought, it would've been the other way around and I already know that the film is going to grand and gorgeous with Kenneth Brangah directing it.   Just imagine the ballroom sequences. Oh, those are going to be the highlight of this film to be sure.  I can already tell you just like my Oz trailer article, there'll be one for Cinderella. 

There you have it,  what I'm excited about and not excited about from this year's D23.  I hope that you guys enjoyed this and if you liked the coverage, I may this do, during the next D23.  Until then, peace!  

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